Alexis Faere Body Wrapper


In the scope of emotions, what on earth does yobbish mean? The classic definition states it this way: rude, noisy, and sometimes aggressive or violent. Doesn’t sound so much like a cheerful topic, but one worthy of more understanding.

I don’t go around looking for this emotion, but it surfaces sometimes when I least expect it. Knowing what it means, it’s easier to see in others than in myself. When I feel yobbish, the energy feels like I’m screaming from the inside out. The root of feeling rude, noisy, or even aggressive leads me to act without thought or courtesy of what’s going on around me. It can be very consuming and blinding. That’s where it becomes destructive.

As a person who strives for calm and more peaceful or loving feelings, this is difficult to grasp. Who wants to admit they are yobbish? Not me! But when it appears, I think it’s allowing me to see parts of myself that I love less than others. Maybe it’s a signal for me to pay attention to something. I’d rather pay attention than hurl obscenities that could be harmful. This is where choice comes in.

It is one thing to feel the energy of this emotion and to allow my actions to be reactive. It is another thing to feel yobbish energy and realize there might be a purpose behind it. Knowing more about it allows me to see it in others. When I recognize it, and someone’s behavior toward me feels harmful, then I understand more about what’s happening. This allows me to be more conscious of choosing my response to it. I don’t have to buy what it’s selling!

Yobbish, when you drop in for a visit, please awaken my awareness and my power of choice. I’ll be glad to recognize you so that I can strengthen my resolve to operate from the emotional space I desire. I have lots of jobs for you to take care of. You can round up all the litter in the oceans and find a place to dispose of it. That way, we can both be happy.

Understanding negative emotions strengthens our ability to be choosy about how we want to feel…

Explore more feelings in the Stayin’ in Touch—Negative Emotions book. You can play with them when or wherever you like.

Image by Luisella Planeta LOVE PEACE 💛💙 from Pixabay