What does it mean to feel like a zombie and what does that have to do with negative emotions? Starting with Z and working my way to A, I’m going to be exploring some negative emotions for a bit. I promise it won’t last forever, but I’m going to do this for myself just to get better acquainted with the different colors of emotions that I feel. Perhaps my exploration will open some ideas and doors for you as well. The next batch, after the negative emotions, will be peaceful emotions. Woo hoo! (Something to look forward to, for sure!)
Okay, back to the idea of feeling zombie-esque. Sometimes when I take part in activities that I feel like I have to do, the concept of enjoying my life eludes me. That triggers my zombie feelings. Why is it so dad gum easy to fall into that trap and forget about the joy that drove you to do things in the first place? I found an interesting article about that from The Guardian.
Reading the article resonated with me from a standpoint of sometimes forgetting what I was all passionate about when I first started a thing. An idea occurs to me. When I’m all excited about doing something (especially when it seems like a larger project) there might be value in jotting down why I’m doing that. Then, when things get sluggard into the messy middle, I can refer to that and remember why I’m doing what I’m doing.
No one enjoys feeling like a zombie, but sometimes I just do. Is it because I’ve forgotten my passion? Maybe I need to adjust what I’m doing to re-ignite the fire in my belly that got me started on something. When I do something meaningful, I feel connected to who I am and who I want to be. When I lose that, I feel like I turn into a robot. Hmm. These are interesting notions.
Perhaps there is something you’re feeling enslaved to that is contributing to feeling like a zombie. Can you remember why you’re doing that thing? Why do you do that thing? What about it is feeding your purpose and meaning in your life? How can you walk back into your passion? Just a couple of points to ponder.
We have choices about emotions…
Explore more feelings in the Stayin’ in Touch – Negative Emotions book. You can play with them when or wherever you like.
Image by Curious Hunter from Pixabay