Alexis Faere Body Wrapper

Life Gifts

Magical Vulnerability

Magical Vulnerability
Magical Vulnerability

What? How in all the green of the forest does vulnerability and magic get together? It’s like putting strawberries and black pepper together. Let’s play with some ideas.

Our history influences how we experience and understand vulnerability. When I was younger, I fought to keep it hidden. I thought vulnerability equaled weakness, and therefore I was weak. There is a right time and place to share it.     

As I’ve gotten older, I realize magic happens when vulnerability is present. Take grief, for example. When my Mother died, something inside of me clicked. I gave myself permission to feel whatever I was feeling, wherever I might be. If tears came to the surface and I was at work, I just let them come. Even though my tears were coming from a point of sadness, it allowed me to remember that grief was also coming from a place of great love. How magical is that—to feel that enormous love?

Let’s look at another example. When was the last time you allowed yourself to be vulnerable for the sake of an adventure? I have an extreme fear of heights, so doing something that takes me to the edge is not my first choice. On one occasion, though, I flew a para plane. To do such a thing required me to embrace my vulnerability and give it a go. What a thrilling experience! The magic of vulnerability allowed me to fly and to see the earth between my feet. It surprised me my fear of heights was not even present!

Magic happens when I allow myself to be vulnerable. I love more deeply. I get to meet new people. Life experience gets richer. Opening myself up to my vulnerability (within my personal boundaries), instead of running from it, brings a fuller, more passionate life.

Are you putting pepper on your strawberries? (If you’ve never tried it, give it a whirl! Yum!) Tell me about the magic in your vulnerability; inquiring minds want to know. Is there magic in vulnerability? 

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova